Thursday, October 23, 2014

Project 5_After Effects_Kinetic Typography

For this project we were to animate a 20-30 second typography to any audio of our choice. I chose Eric Thomas, the Hip Hop Preacher, because of his enthusiasm, beat and message. For being relatively new t After Effects I am happy with how this project turned out. I was able to be ambitious with a few scenes and experiment, which really enlightened me as to how much is possible in After Effects. The only downside is that I had to make creative sacrifices on the backside of the animation due to time constrains. I hope you enjoy.

Project 4_Flash_Frame by Frame heavy lift

For this project we had to create a short animation using flash that displayed a character trying to lift a heavy object. Drawing is not my strong suite so please show a little sympathy and don't scrutinize me for using a stick figure. I hope you enjoy and have a good laugh.

Project 3_After Effects_K Drama Animation

For this project my group created a stop motion Korean Drama. the project was shot on my Nikon D5100, lit with a reflector and natural lighting, edited in After Effects and the graphics were created in photo shop. I wrote the concept for the project. Yoli drew the animatic. I shot and directed the action while Yoli, Jorge and Ashley acted or assisted with lighting. I edited together the video while Jorge found music, Yoli created the graphics and Ashley made the credits.